Tuesday, July 7, 2009

codeilo_v1beta4.1.zip bugfix

-bug fix for ajax
-bug fix for select box options


Monday, July 6, 2009

version 1 beta 4 (support both ajax and no ajax)

- additional assets file.
- all put into ci application's web folder.


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

support ajax

codeilo v1 beta 3

- codeigniter ajax crud mvc template.


Friday, June 26, 2009

enhanced CI pagination

(For codeigniter v1.7.1)
Additional parameter for pager assign href value and onclick function.

{arg} value will be replace by {paging link tag}.
so that if paging link tag is 20.
ci class will output: href="http://sample/page/20"
this class will output: href="http://sample/page/20" onclick="doSomething('20'); return false;"

$pagination_config['base_function_name'] = jhistoryList(\'#list/format/html/begin/{arg}\')';
$pagination_config['replace_href_content'] = current_url().'#list/format/html/begin/{arg}';


multilingual supported CI Calendar

(For codeigniter v1.7.1)
Additional parameter for translate calendar's day names and month names.

$prefs['translated_day_names'] = array('日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六');
$prefs['translated_month_names'] = array('01' => '一月', '02' => '二月', '03' => '三月', '04' => '四月', '05' => '五月', '06' => '六月', '07' => '七月', '08' => '八月', '09' => '九月', '10' => '十月', '11' => '十一月', '12' => '十二月');
一月', '12' => '十二月');

$this->load->library('calendar', $prefs);


Sunday, January 18, 2009


codeilo version 1 beta
after re-engineering whole system, I think codeilo can be publish now.
however, I need somebody help to test it and reply me some comment.

download codeilo_v1beta

[Feature for codeigniter]
For codeigniter it generate below items
- CRUD page controller, model and view
- validator for all field based on field type, null value
- index page filter and pager.
- filter by the value of foreign key table field.
- foreign key selection box
- create language file for all table field's label.
- predefine foreign key's display field name.
- predefine input field code.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

How To "display related table field value on View" - second way

refer to "step by step" post.
post table's "sysuser_id" field is a foreign key, which related to sysuser table.

this post show that how to show sysuser table's name field value on post's show record page.

you have 2 way for get sysuser's name.
1. use sysuser options array.
2. left join table when get the record.

second way:
edit the post controller's show function
remove all code which for create sysuser options array.

// sysuser options array
foreach($records as $record){

then change show function's code



$this->post_model->set_related_table_field('sysuser','sysuser.name as uname');

change post's view show.php file.

<th><?php echo form_label('Sysuser Id:', 'sysuser_id'); ?><th>
<td><?php echo $m['sysuser_id']; ?><td>


<th><?php echo form_label('Sysuser Id:', 'sysuser_id'); ?><th>
<td><?php echo $m['uname']; ?><td>

that's all

How To "display related table field value on View" - first way

refer to "step by step" post.
post table's "sysuser_id" field is a foreign key, which related to sysuser table.

this post show that how to show sysuser table's name field value on post's show record page.

you have 2 way for get sysuser's name.
1. use sysuser options array.
2. left join table when get the record.

first way:
you can see post controller have " $sysuser_options " assigned to view.
please change post's view show.php file.

<th><?php echo form_label('Sysuser Id:', 'sysuser_id'); ?><th>
<td><?php echo $m['sysuser_id']; ?><td>


<th><?php echo form_label('Sysuser Id:', 'sysuser_id'); ?><th>
<td><?php echo $sysuser_options[$m['sysuser_id']]; ?><td>

than change the controller show function content.

// sysuser options array
foreach($records as $record){


// sysuser options array
foreach($records as $record){

that's all.